YMCA 회원과 전 세계 친구들이 2020 년 11月 8 일부터 14 일까지 World Week of Prayer and World Fellowship에 참가했고, 셀러브레이션의 큰 부분은 온라인 예배였습니다. 여기 하이라이트가 있어!
여기서 전체 서비스 보기: https://www.facebook.com/131015836922501/videos/284251569575937
Week of Prayer Highlights Video
YMCA members and friends worldwide joined the World Week of Prayer and World Fellowship from 8 to 14 November 2020, a huge part of the celerbrations was the online service. Here are the highlights! Watch the full service here: https://www.facebook.com/131015836922501/videos/284251569575937